dear family,
i want this to be fun.
family pictures can be the worst thing in the world– let’s smile and pretend we were not screaming at one another on the drive over. no body listens, everything goes wrong and now we have have to make it look like we’re not stressing out about everything? seems like a day well-spent.
i don’t want that experience for you or myself.
family pictures, in present time, are a token to throw on social media or a christmas card– it proves to your friends that your family is better than theirs– i am all for the competition. but one day, these will be more than a post on the internet for strangers to fawn over, these will be your memories and what i want to give to you is a painless and fun experience your kids remember. a day, where everyone loved each other and got along and laughed together.
if there is one thing i’ve learned in this past year, it’s that life can be really shitty. but life can also be really good and it’s important we celebrate the good when it comes, because it’s the thing that gets us through the shit.
so, yeah… i want to make this fun. i want this to be a bright spot for you guys… if even for just a day.
- Ace
$700.00 plus 8.6% sales tax
my goal this year was to simplify every aspect of my life– that includes this.
one package, one price.
60ish minutes.
3 week turnaround.
online gallery with:
print release.
high resolution images.
super sweet slideshow of your shoot.
all images in color and black+white.
lots and lots of images.
an hour-ish before sunset
all of our family sessions will take place in the afternoon.
to make life easier on everyone, you can plan on your session taking place approximately an hour-ish before sunset. once your session is booked, we will give you a specific time to meet. october sessions, plan to start between 4:00 - 4:30 pm. november sessions, plan to start between 3:45 - 4:15 pm. start times will vary from beginning to the end of the month to account for changing sunset times.
all of our fall sessions will take place in the phoenix area.
we choose locations, based off what we think will compliment your session the best. if your focus is on location, you may want to seek out a different photographer. i am more focused on bringing attention to you and your family, not the backdrop. we will choose your location, once your outfits are finalized and sent over to us. we are not offering in-home sessions at this time.
$100.00 per family
as always, we will be offering our styling services.
if you don’t want to take on the job of figuring out your outfits this year, don’t worry– we’ve got your back. styling is a stress-free process where you fill out our form and magically one day, you receive a curated look for your family with direct-links to everything you need to buy!
Our Fall 2022 has already sold out!
If you are interested in booking in 2023, please fill out the form below!
q + a .
Q: what should i expect from a session with you?
a lot of screaming.
mostly from me, not the children. i scream, A LOT. i like to joke, i like to have fun, but i’m also a control freak– weird mix, but i feel as though i’ve found the perfect mix to do what i gotta do.
i have two main goals at family sessions: photograph your family at their happiest, but also photograph you all in your best light on your absolute best day. i’m a little superficial like that.
a session with me includes those super boring pictures of everyone smiling and looking at the camera– because i feel like, we need those in life, but pretty quickly, it turns into a lot of playing and games.
personal boundaries do not exist with me.
Q: are we a good fit?
for me to do my job to the best of its abilities, i have to like you and you have to like me… and if i’m being real, i don’t have the easiest personality– i am loud, inappropriate, attention-seeking and a complete control freak.
i love bad kids, i love sweet kids, i love loud kids and i love quiet kids… but it’s the kids who act as they’ve never encountered another human-being before, that don’t typically like me. i can be a bit much for those kids… and that’s okay. i won’t work for everyone.
i also don’t like dads who think they are the king of the castle and who don’t do shit around the house or have any idea how to play with their kids. that’s a big no for me.
to be frank, i am not for everyone. i purposely made this site as representative of me as i could, because i would rather you hate me here than hate me in the middle of your session. so if at any point i rub you the wrong way– that’s your answer.
Q: what about extended family?
the way i work, just doesn’t work for extended family sessions.
in order to do my job, i have to connect with every member of your family- and i have to be able to watch and understand the relationships between every member of your family. the second we add more people, like grandparents, cousins or aunts and uncles, it becomes overwhelming to me and i lose focus on what’s most important.
it’s not my strength and that’s okay.
if you are looking for an extended family session, i am happy to give you the name of some friends who are great at shooting extended families.
*the same goes for pets. i love my dog too, but pets are a huge distraction at photoshoots.
Q: what about location– do we choose it?
nope, we’ve got it handled.
location, for me, isn’t about the most epic view. i am in the business of photographing people– not landscapes.
my focus is on your family and when it comes to location, i just want something that brings attention to you!
getting families in the car is tough, driving a long distance with small kids is even tougher… we always try to be mindful of where you live and where we shoot.
Q: are you offering any mini sessions this year?
we are only offering 10 spots in october and 10 spots in november this year. our life has drastically changed in the last year and we know exactly what experience we want to give to our clients moving forward– and it doesn’t include mini sessions.
we want to be able to focus all of our energy into each session we do, without feeling rushed or worn-down by our workload.
if you are looking for something else, i am happy to refer you to one of my friends.
Q: what if we don’t do styling, can we still ask for your opinion?
we are very opinionated people and we want your shoot to look the absolute best. we are always happy to tell you whether we love or hate something. we won’t be able to find you other options, but we can tell you if it will look good or not in photos.
once you’re booked, we will also send over our style guide to help you with our best tips for styling your family session!