Born in the 90s.
Grew up in a family 8, dominated by women (6 to be exact).
The baby and the only boy.
Overly-emotional and attention seeking.
Always last to the party and the first to leave.
Self-elected neighborhood watch.
Has seen every episode of Dateline, ever.
Terrible driver and even worse back seat driver.
Personality test aficionado (Enneagram Type 4).
Living life in a constant state of: treat yourself.
I married up… for sure.
She is stubborn, but indecisive.
No one hates her… and if they do, they are likely a sociopath.
Don’t ever sing her “happy birthday” or ask her to open presents in front of people.
While we’re at it— even if she broke her leg, pretend you don’t notice.
She’s happiest when everyone else is happy.
Totally believes there is such a thing as, “dumb questions.”
Cries every time she see’s anyone else crying.
Enneagram 9.
Under the impression that everything is just a 15 minute drive away.
Completely saved my life.
My best friend in the entire world.

She was 14 and I was 15, when we first met in Biology.
Proposed to her in that same biology room exactly ten years later.
In the past 15 years, we’ve not spent much time apart.
Extremely co-dependent but not in a toxic way.
A day on the couch binging crime shows is a day well spent.
She’s cool and laid back— I am not.
We both cry pretty easily.
I love her.
She loves me (I hope).
We both love Humphrey.
and don’t ever forget…
Office Morale.
Part cocker spaniel, part poodle, part human, equal parts angel.
Does not greet you at the door, makes you come to him.
First to bed, last to wake.
Struggles with boundary issues.
“I’m just not a dog person,” Yeah, me either… but that’s my son, not my dog.
Sits at the dinner table.
Fake pees to get back inside and on the couch faster.
10/10 good boy.